Brody talks more and more all the time, I don't notice because I am here all the time. Some new favorite phrases are:
"ont an it" I don't want it
"where dadid o?" where'd david go?
"i ont ow?" I don't know? (said with a super cute inflection)
"i ant bappy" I want passy.
"dada home" yeah he says that one well!
"uppy down" for up or down very creative and efficient
He loves sucks, fruit snacks, waffles and oranges (which I have to monitor the intake of carefully!) Brody loves Riley to a fault. I just had to leave because he loved her right of the couch. Don't worry he must have let her down easy because she really didn't cry.
Riley is learning so fast. It's fun to compare her to the boys because she is better at different things then they were. It's those fine motor skills like getting her pacifier in her mouth or playing with toys. I think is more aware of herself too. The boys roll over a few times by accident before they knew they could do it. She did it the first time and has been intentionally rolling ever since.
Joe and I just started watching the Office from the beginning again. With no cable we really have fun getting into a series on netflix. the last one was lost, which is funny because there are quiet a few references to it in the Office that I never got before. Joe is busy as every at work, and well me too. Three kids... wow still surprises me.