Monday, August 11, 2008

One year old

Things I have learned in my First year:
1. You can eat pretty much anything...although I wouldn't recommend rolly pollies and i would recommend egg rolls yummy!2. Nap Time isn't so bad...3. You can never have too many passies!
4. Playing in the water is the best!
5. If I pretend to be shy and snuggle people they think I am really cute, and that's good!6. I really like this music stuff... just not sure how to make my own yet!7. I love making new friends and hangin' with my buddies, but I don't always like all the pictures mom tries to take.8. There are two ways to get things... to cry or to give em that look! I haven't decided which one I like better but I'll keep you posted

9. If grandma sends green paper, I get to go to the store and buy new toys! I probably would have had fun eating the money, but mom says the toys will be funner for longer.
10. And last but not least, my parents are crazy, but they love me the most so it's all good!


Matt and Jessica Stevenson said...

1 year down and many more to come:) Does he get more birthday money from grandparents as he gets older? Mary you are such a cute mommy.

jessica said...

what a handsome boy! He's got some killer looks

Katie L. said...

Cute post. I love it and I love his pictures. I miss you! I think I'll copy your idea for Nate's first birthday.

Ashley said...

Oh Mary! He is so precious. These pictures make me smile. What a ham!