Monday, March 9, 2009

I found the box!

David and I went to the storage unit today and I found the elusive box! You know the one with my camera cords in it. So here's what you missed.

We had two weeks to get everything ready for the big move. Utah didn't want to leave us with out saying goodbye... so we got one more good snow storm in before we left.David didn't love the snow but he did like helping Dad get the car out of the gutter. Now we are sporting our shades and washing the car!
We were all really sad to have to leave behind Zeus! Mike, Joe and I took him snow shoeing up rock canyon the night before we took him to his new home.
David loves trying on other peoples shoes. Don't tell but he even likes mommy's heels.
Being at Grandma and Grandpa's is the best! David get pretty much whatever he wants!

1 comment:

karis stapley said...

Hooray for finding your camera cord!! Very cute pics! We are glad you are here in AR. so we can get to know you guys! :)