Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A child's Prayer

Heaven Father,
Thank you temple
thank you toys
Thank you elders
bless the food
thank you Daddy
bless daddy home
bless mommy home
name a Jesus

Heaven Father,
thank you for the temple
thank you elders
thank you elders come to drink
thank you temple
thank you daddy and Cole Cole
thank you daddy and mama...

I was trying to think of something clever say before these videos, but I couldn't think of anything! He is so cute and pure. These were taken a few weeks ago, and he improves all the time. The part about temple and elders, that comes from nursery, and we were having the elders over for dinner once a week then too. It's really fun to have him learning things from other places.

1 comment:

karis stapley said...

So sweet! We're thankful for David too! I'm going to show these to Cole & maybe it'll promt him to say his prayers more on his own. He's too funny since he's figured out that the sooner we say, "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen" the sooner we can eat, so he'll start the prayer with "Dear Heavenly Father . . . in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!"
Kids prayers are the greatest! :)