Sunday, June 22, 2008

Little Indian Brave

Well, we are getting ready for another trip. Joe heads to Canada tomorrow and I head over to Denver. We've been trying to clean out our fridge cause we'll be gone for almost 2 weeks, but of course we had friends over for lunch and dinner. Actually our dinner guests fell through so... we have lots of leftovers!
Despite all the craziness, David never ceases to impress us with his new cute tricks. He can now go from a sitting position to standing all on his own... he doesn't know that he can do it, he usually does it when he's not paying attention and really wants something. Hopefully he wont take any first steps while Daddy's away!

1 comment:

Katie L. said...

He is the cutest kid, something about his little head just screams for kisses! I'm so jealous i'll miss you in Denver, have fun!