Sunday, November 9, 2008

The heater saga...

He just can't get enough of the heater. We did this ritual every morning for a week or two. I would go out and turn up the heat a little so it would come on. I will admit that I taught him to get his blanket and cozy up. Then one day I came out and, no kidding, David had dragged his booster seat so that it was in front of the vent. He was just chillin' there happy as a clam. I think that was his best thinking/ problem solving to date, I was so proud. He was just upset that he couldn't get it close enough (it was touching the wall and couldn't get closer).

1 comment:

Katie L. said...

Man that's cute. He has such cute clothes. I don't love lots of Nate's stuff. It is clothes though, right?