Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cute Boy!

You would not believe the progress they are making on our house. If the stars alien we will close on Thursday and move in Saturday, but I think we forgot to account for the holiday Monday so I am trying not to get my hopes up. The painting is basically done and they put in the tile Saturday too. We are so excited. Friday Joe and I got to go to Lowe's and pick out all of our lighting. Our builder gave us his card, a budget and we were set loose. the funny thing is we spent all this time picking out what we wanted on line, and then just went to the store and got different stuff anyways. It's gonna be great!
Today is a day to be recorded in the books for David! We were driving home from check on the house, and David was back there asking for something. I couldn't quiet make it out so I had him take out his passy. Turns out he was saying music! He wanted the radio on! Daddy was so proud of his little music lover.

This was an orange roll that David was gnawing the frosting off the top of. The next two were messy cupcake face. It was a sweet week!

What a ham!
Hanging with our buddies has been so much fun! We go to the park at lease a couple times a week with "benden" (Brendon, number 85 there), and "coooal" (Cole, in the red stripes) . The three of them are quite the set. I have noticed though that David really is a solo kind of guy. Brendon and Cole will run around together and David is off doing his own funky thing... well until we get home then he wants me to "come come" and play with him.

Some of David's favorite words or things right now:
-being carried around. He says "carry oo" carry you. If he gets me to carry him with out asking (especially up and down the stairs) he pats me and says "carry oo" will this cute triumphant grin.
-saying prays at bedtime. His prayers consists of everything he loves: "wumee" (wormy his scooting toy), "bike" (he says this pretty clearly), "ewmow" (Elmo), "dack" (duck stuffed animal), "cheeky" (Chicky stuffed animal), "maamaa", "daadaa", "Aadam" (also very clear just extra emphasis on the first A), "gwaama", "gwaapa", gwaapapa" (great grandpa), "jaakee", "hou" (our new house), "bob" (Bob the Builder), "taktur" (the tractor by the house or on Bob the builder), "pooo" (the pool), "dinnur" (dinner his favorite meal I guess), "ing" (swing), "ide" (slide), and what ever else he saw/ had that day or can see from his bed.
-getting sung bedtime songs. He used to make us sing how much is that doggie in the window 3 or 4 times a night, but he has lots of favorites now. Such as "hou" (the wise man built his house on a rock), "shunshin" (you are my sunshine), and "pauphorn" (popcorn popping).
-going outside. Seems like first thing out of his mouth in the morning is "aw sie" (outside), "wumee", "bike", and "shuwil" (shovel down at the garden). He loves to wander around the garage finding any tool and going to work, sound effect included.
-going to the park. He spends about 80% of his time there on the swing, as long as we don't have to take turns "uder tern" (others turn, this could mean it's someone else's turn or it's his turn again). When I tell him we are going to the park he always wants to know, "benden, Cooal" if Brendon and Cole are coming.
-driving! "DWIVE!" He loves to drive. if there is even a picture of someone driving he points it out. Along with this we are learning "naut awr" (not ours). He will often remind me what isn't ours and is good about just looking.

David is talking so much now and has tons of words. He's working on putting more then one word together. Sometimes he will tell stories too. I think that's because we try to make him talk in past tense and he's trying to understand and use that. When he tells these "stories" sometimes if I can catch a word or two I can figure out what he's talking about too.


Katie L. said...

Man I love that little face. I just want to bite his little chin. We went to the park today and grilled, wish you could have joined us!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!!! I look at your blog at least once a week, thanks for keeping it up for us out of towners.

Love you all,