Friday, April 16, 2010

SPF 50 please!

Yay summer is here! you can find us outside between the hours of 8 and 5! Especially David who often runs out the front door and down the sidewalk in his underwear! I need a deadbolt. We have had a busy two weeks with Alexa here four out of the five days both weeks! And... Friday is here, it's 3pm and we only have a few more hours to go. Speaking of I need to find a babysitter! I am always working last minute on that one.

We have been to feed the geese and the fish on a number of occasions, here are a few choice photos of our outings. watch out they bite!that's my wild girl!So I have to tell you... David loves finding and playing with sticks. This is his biggest to date. Here's the funny thing, He has some trouble with the "st" sound and it always comes out "d". Yeah put that together can you. One day we were driving down the road and David yells "MOM A HUGE DICK!" Lo and behold just outside the window was a tree with no branchs. I must be imature because I lost it.On a better note... here's my adorable Brody! Who could say no to that face? That is a huge strawberry he's eating incase you were wondering, they were delicious!


karis stapley said...

Yea for summer!! that Goose pond is fantastic! I love the stick story! LOL, no, as an adult I still find that pretty funny coming from a small kids lips since their so innocent! And Brody def. is a cutie!

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

Look at Brody's eyes. I just LOVE that boy! He is so adorable. And the stick story is so funny. Wish you had it on tape!

Hayley Hatch said...

Ha ha, I must be immature too because I found that little story hil-ar-i-ous :)