Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Every day David does a handful of things that crack me up! Here are a few of the latest and greatest:

1. Yesterday David and I were working outside, and he brings me our little frog to show me his foot is broken.
mom, "oh no! we better go fix him."
I take the frog inside and set him on the counter. As I am rummaging through every drawer in the house looking for super glue I here,
"David ready. Fix it."
Walking back to the kitchen, "Sorry David the glue is all gone we will have to get some more at the store."
"David got it already... actually!" Said David holding out the clue, head cocked to one side.
Not only did he know where the glue was, he came prepared with a push pin to clear the tub! Oh and I do not remeber teaching him the word actually. I laughed so hard, what a smart kid.

2. David was "driving the car" in the driveway with Joe and I in the back seat. We started acting like babies and saying things he would say.
mom, "need a drink, apple juice warm!"
David looks around handing me a cup with water, "here mom."
He thought this game was really fun.

3. Uncle Adam has taught David to play guns. He loves them right now and carries them around all day. One of the funnies things is when he pretends he's shot... he is a very good actor! I'll have to video it for you.

4. We were saying prayers last night and for the first time David repeated whole phrases and not just words. Things like:
"the best mom ever"
"best dad ever"
"help us sleep good"
"name Jesus, Amen" (that one was without us telling him what to say).

5. "haven't had captain crunch long time"
"haven't watched buz long time"
"haven't read monkeys long time"
"haven't seen Jackie long time"
"...you get the idea, he loves this phrase.

6. "Guess what!" "Guess what mom!" "Adam coming over!" He kept telling me this today for some reason, I guess he wanted to play with Adam.

7. "Mom, Cole Cole sad! needs his mommy. Cole Cole needs his mommy daddy bad!" Cole is his friend. He said this one day because when we had to go Cole was upset and cried.

I could go on for days and only give you a hint of what it's like to spend all day with him. He is so smart and learning so fast. This is David asleep by the door in his room... this happens almost every night it seems. Brody is lots of fun too! So smiley and talkative!

1 comment:

Crystal, Russell and Our Boys said...

Oh so cute! David is such a neat little guy. Thanks for bringing them to the party today!