Thursday, October 1, 2009

All better


karis stapley said...

It's ok Mary! I know you know we have days like that at our house! :0
It's getting better though! Hooray!

Hayley Hatch said...

This is the cutest picture ever...He is such a sweet boy.
As far as getting rid of the pacifier...we tied it to the end of a balloon and "sent it off" (turns out it was too heavy and ended up not "taking off") so that night I put them all in a baggy and threw them away - in front of Logan - and said "bye bye binky!" That 1st night was rough - he cried for it, the 2nd night was a little better and by the 3rd night he was okay without it. I had been kinda weaning him off of it from the time he was 18 months (I only let him have it during nap and bedtime) so you might want to try that first. Although it is so nice to have something that comforts them (and keeps them quiet) like on car trips and such...
Good Luck!!!